We lose patient whenever the 3G on our smartphones slows down. Hey, nobody wants their web experience to be interrupted, right? No wonder we reach out to AT&T customer service immediately to get the issue fixed. Imagine how much of a problem slow internet could be for a business. It won’t just affect the productivity of your employees but cause you to have lots of angry clients. This ultimately affects sales.
But no worries, we have the high-speed Internet now to make our lives easier. In fact,it’s a big stress reliever for businesses. These are the 10 ways it busts stress:
#1: Improved Collaboration between Team Members
Technology has provided us with tools and all thanks to the internet, they are more accessible today than ever. High-speed Internet makes screen sharing, videoconferencing and chatroom communication a breeze. Communication has become more flexible than you could ever imagine.
#2: Faster Download Speed
It’s actually stressful to wait for pages to load and files (videos, images, and PDFs) to download because of slow internet. For a business, fast Internet speed is a life saver. Faster download takes away unnecessary stress. You don’t have to be stuck on the hourglass. This gives you time on hands to carry out other tasks.
#3: Access to VoIP Telecommunications
Traditional phones, also known as landlines, have been very expensive for businesses. Apart from that, they lack features that make communication effective. Now, the fast Internet has gifted us with VoIP solution i.e. Voice Over Internet Protocol. It has reduced the cost of communication dramatically. With features such as call routing, call forwarding, mobile integration, fax, call on hold etc.communicating with clients and partners has become super easy.
#4: Dedicated Connection
Some businesses are able to get a dedicated connection from their Internet providers. That means you aren’t sharing a connection with other subscribers. You can hence say goodbye to down times. The associated bandwidth is for your business only. This also eliminates the worry of over subscription.
#5: Move Your Business Processes to the Cloud
It is always a burden to maintain on-premises hardware. No wonder businesses are taking their processes to the cloud. This is all possible because of the availability of high-speed Internet. Cloud has saved us capital investment cost, too. There is no need for a business to setup an on-site IT hardware or pay for its maintenance. Cloud doesn’t just cut expenses, it also boosts productivity.
#6: Reduced Business Cost
We have seen how high-speed Internet can save a business cost. Apart from cutting expenses on hardware expansion and maintenance, a fast Internet means you will be saving the cost a business has to bear because of loss of productivity.
#7: Reduced Employee Cost
High-speed Internet can save employees money too. Since lots of employees are given the option to work remotely, they have to spend less on travel. Smartphones and tablets allow improved connectivity. Even if you are distant from the company’s headquarters, you can still remain in contact. The Internet has brought flexibility and made decision making quick.
#8: Faster Turnaround
Timely response is a contributing factor in customer satisfaction. You could be losing business if your customers are kept on wait or the turnaround time is slow. It can affect your business in multiple ways like bad reviews, lower renewal rate,unhappy clients, and loss of sales. No company wants to deal with this kind of stress. A good thing is high-speed Internet can solve this problem. You will lie in a better position to serve your customer needs.
#9: Improved Workplace and Business Productivity
No doubt the Internet is a great profit making tool for a business. Just like technology has brought tools for instant and improved collaboration, there are productivity tools too. You can use them to automate certain business processes. Apps such as Google calendar, Asana, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Ever note etc. have been very beneficial for business.
#10: Open Doors for Clients 24/7
Internet keeps on running all times. Why not take advantage of that and let your products and services be accessible via the internet 24/7?
Tech giants such as Amazon, Google, and Facebook are successful because they are open 24 hours. Likewise, your site can sell 24 hours and people can read your blog any time now.
Even if your office timings are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., you can still keep your business running for your customers. You can market your product, receive the order, accept the payment and deliver it to the doorsteps of your customers. It’s all possible because of high-speed Internet. That means your business won’t have to bear the stress of missed leads.
It’s clear that investing in high speed Internet can save your business time, money and headaches. You will have the chance to focus on other aspects of the business.Your business will run smoothly and, of course, there won’t be any stress related to downtime. It would be wise to check the AT&T offers if you haven’t yet switched to a higher bandwidth package for yours mall business.
By reducing stress on various processes, your business will be positioned to become productive, smooth, and profitable more than ever.