Monitor What your kids are into it Infographic

Monitor kids

Nowadays, parents are more concerned about their kid’s safety. Do you know why? Because of too much spending time on online gadgets. Children use their cell phones with the freedom of the internet which is risky. It is an alarming situation for parents about their kids. While spending hours on their devices without any supervision … Read more

Dangers of Drug Abuse at workplace

Dangers of Drug

Substance abuse at the workplace makes employers suffer from heavy losses and according to the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCDA). In U.S only companies have lost almost 100 billion dollars a year due to the presence of drug abusers who used to claims for incentives at the end of the day being … Read more

Pornography Abusing Teens Online

Pornography Teen’s Online

Pornography is one of the biggest evils these days on the web and young kids and teens are watching porn online.Therefore, parents in the digital world are very concerned about the online safety of teens especially when they connected to the cyberspace. 42% of the Internet users between the ages of 10 -17 view porn … Read more